Justin Bieber "Fever" in Charlotte

Filed under Baby Fun Contest

Live in the Charlotte area? Can't get enough of Justin Bieber? Then Northlake Mall will be the place to be on Saturday, January 15th.
In anticipation of the Paramount Pictures' release of JUSTIN BIEBER: NEVER SAY NEVER – we're holding a nationwide search for Justin Bieber's biggest fan, entitled "Justin Bieber Wants YOU In His World." And, we're excited to announce that Charlotte made the cut – so we're coming to Northlake Mall on January 15th to find the biggest fan showing off his/her best voice to attend the LA premiere with 3 friends!

Contestants will be asked to sing one of Justin's hit singles – "U Smile", "Never Say Never" or "Baby." Judges will listen and rate each contestant on four equally weighted criteria – voice quality, visual presentation, phrasing/interpretation and creativity/originality.
One local winner (with the highest combined score) receives a trip for 4 to attend the LA premiere of JUSTIN BIEBER NEVER SAY NEVER in February. The Charlotte winner will also advance to the National contest where they have a shot to meet Justin Bieber while in Los Angeles!
To make it easier – here's a snippet of the contest itself:
· The Charlotte contest will take place at Northlake Mall on Saturday, January 15th.
· Registration begins at 1PM; the contest begins at 2PM.
· All contestants must be between 13 – 17 years of age (inclusive)
· Contestants must sing one of the following Justin Bieber songs – "Never Say Never", "Baby" and "U Smile". (We will provide these tracks.)
· We will also be doing a pre-registration process via email.
· All interested contestants can email BieberCharlotte@gmail.com.

(Thanks Charlotte on the Cheap)

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