Received email from TX Roadhouse
For every $30 gift card purchase you willreceivea $5 off voucher for your next visit. For every $50 gift card purchase you will receive a dozen of our Fresh-Baked Rolls for Thanksgiving. if youpurchase$100 or more in gift cards you will receive a VIP card that you can use on future visits. VIP card includes: free appetizer, free entree, no wait seating, and more!
I paid $100, received three $30 and one $10 gift card, plus three $5 coupons to use by March 31, 2016, and a VIP Card that expires December 31, 2016.
VIP card includes punchouts for:
1. one free Entree up to $15
2. Two free appetisers
3. 20% off one bill
4. 10# off one bill
5. Upgrade your steak to the next size for free
6. Two "no wait" seating
Not too sure on the value of the immediate seating as we go at 4 PM to avoid the rush. Also if the rolls are the ones the bring with each meal, would not drive back just for the rolls and the have to be picked up on Nov 24 or 25, you place your name on a reservation list. We get the free appetizers by signing up for their email the day before we go and they email us a free appetiser coupon, so these coupons are just a convenience.
Counting the $15 in free coupons, free entree $15, and who knows how big your bill might be if you go with friends, I thought it was a great deal.
Not sure if all restaurants have the offer. Theyoperate over420 restaurants system-wide in 48 states and three foreign countries.